Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Goodbye to InnerStarU!

American Girl has announced that on November 5, they will be shutting down InnerstarU, their online forum where members can play games with their My American Girl doll.

We saw the signs of this through American Girl when they stopped selling charms with their outfits in the summer of 2014. When TrulyMe came out, the dolls weren't sold with a charm keeper necklace, and that's when we knew something was up.

American Girl formally announced this on May 21, 2015 through their online avatar, "Shelby", a virtual My American Girl 44 doll and the "head" of InnerstarU.

Shelby posted:
"If you like Innerstar University like I do, you wont want to miss this important news. On November 5, 2015, Innerstar University will officially close and you will no longer have access to it.
The InnerstarU campus guides would like you to know that, after InnerstarU closes, we'll miss you and all the good times we've had here..."

Fortunately for me, I never really went on Innerstar University, so I am not really effected by this news. But, I know that other AGIGers really enjoyed InnerstarU, and are quite affected by this.

Let me know what you think about InnerstarU officially closing!

Photo credit to: @AGUpdateNews on Instagram.


  1. Bleh! It's closing on my birthday! :,( (That's me crying)

  2. same!!! omg missing it now 5 years later!!!!!

  3. wait whatttttt ,,, 19 years old and anted to go back through old memories... this makes me so sad! they should have never closed it down!
