Friday, June 26, 2015

Interview with Erin Pitt!

Today's interview is with the starlet of the American Girl movie "Isabelle Dances Into The Spotlight", Erin Pitt!

EDS: What was it like auditioning for the role of Isabelle?
Erin Pitt: It was just like a regular audition. I went in and performed the lines they gave me. And they really liked me. They also asked me to do a few ballet moves.

EDS: What was your reaction when you found out you got the part as Isabelle?
Erin Pitt: I was really excited.

EDS: What are your relationships with your former costars?
Erin Pitt: We had a great relationship. We were all so close. Its hard to stay as close because we all live very far away from each other, but we do keep in touch.

EDS: How long did filming take?
Erin Pitt: It took six weeks including two weeks of rehearsals.

EDS: What was your experience working for American Girl?
Erin Pitt: It was a lot of fun. They were very nice.

EDS: Did you have any AG Dolls when you were little? If so, who?
Erin Pitt: I didn't have any because they weren't very popular in Canada when I was little.

Thank you so much for the interview, Erin!

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