Tuesday, December 8, 2015

American Girl "Girl of the Year" 2016 LEA CLARK Leaks!

Well the time has come.

On December 4, 2015 we finally got what we've been waiting for.

After many months, the Girl of the Year 2016, Lea Clark's 18 inch doll stock photos have been released. Well more like leaked, actually.

And let me be the first to say, she is adorable.

Okay, now do you see what I mean? Besides her looking like the offspring of Kanani and Marisol, she's irresistible and will most likely be joining my doll family on January 1.

Here's a full size image of Lea and the cover of her first book:

With her caramel wavy hair, stunning green eyes, fleeky eyebrows, and nice full cheeks, how could you not just melt at the sight of her? Her bright tribal meet outfit also gives her a fun, playful look. Needless to say, I cant wait to meet this girl in the new year!

Back to her eyes. They look different than anything that we've ever seen here at American Girl while dealing with doll eye colors. They are a nice shade of sage green, that I adore. I've heard from a VERY reliable and trusted source that her eyes are a new color, that differs from any other that has been released by AG.

Here's a comparison to all of the possible eye colors Lea could have that have already been released by AG:

I think her eyes are either new (which they most likely are), or a mix between Mia, GOTY 2008 (second down on the right) or TM 52, who shares her eye color with TMs 41 & 61 as well (bottom right). What do you think?

We have also found her book titles and summaries on Amazon available for preorder. Her book are written by Lisa Yee, the same author who wrote Kanani and Ivy's books. Here are her three books titles and summaries.

BOOK 1: "Lea Dives In"

Lea Clark is ten years old and ready to explore the whole world, just like her grandmother! But first she'll start with a family trip to Brazil, where her big brother is studying the rainforest. Lea is really excited to see the ocean - and when she does, she realizes she'd rather take a picture of it than swim in it. Can she overcome her fear and dive in?
Then she meets a fun new friend who inspires her to embrace the thrills and beauty of Brazil. But when the fun turns to danger, she must find the courage to face adventure head on! Where will the next adventure take her?

BOOK 2: "Lea Leads the Way"

Lea Clark is all set for an animal-discovery adventure! She's never been to a rainforest before, and her mind is filled with exciting thoughts about the animals she'll get to see - and the pictures she'll get to take deep in the jungle. During a hike with her brother through the Amazon rainforest, they discover a baby sloth that is badly injured. Lea quickly decides she must do all she can to help the little sloth survive. But as she learns more, she wonders: "Is that the right thing to do?"

BOOK 3: "Lea and Camila"
to be released March 1, 2016

For spring break, Lea Clark has invited her friend Camila to St. Louis for a stateside adventure. They find a stray kitten and make a mysterious discovery while visiting a grand but crumbling mansion. Lea is determined to uncover the secrets of her discovery, but in her search for clues she forgets to be a good host to Camila. And when Lea's best friend, Abby, becomes fast friends with Camila, Lea feels a little left out. Can she find a way to reconnect with her friends - and solve the mystery, too?

So what do you think about her book summaries? How about the doll? I think the last book sounds really good! I can't wait to meet Lea and read her stories!

* Photo credits come from:
AGUpdateNews on Instagram and Lissie & Lilly !

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